Saturday, July 12, 2008

Xiaomi 2nd/ 3rd Vaccination

Today is suppose to be the final vaccination for Xiaomi, because 女女 told me they took her for 1st vaccination and she did handover the vaccination record book.

After Xiaomi vaccination at the casher counter, I was told there will be 1 more time vaccination for her. I’m like huh?? Why is that so? The lady said “oh actually because the type of vaccination you pick is 10 in 1 different from the 1st vaccination so it will consider as a reset. So this round is just the 2nd vaccination for Xiaomi”. I felt cheated, they just keep on persuade me to go for 10 in 1 when I 1st visit; not telling me that the number of vaccination will actually differ.

Oh well just another experience, but I really curious, is there such thing as reset the number of vaccination? I have no idea, but will definitely find out.

Anyway, is all worth it because is for Xiaomi. She is really calm and she just touches my heart each time when I look into her eyes ^_^

After her vaccination, we went to a Chinese coffee shop for lunch, everyone that pass by just adore her. She just sits on the chair and observed – no barking, no moving around. I’m really proud of her, and I’m so grateful to have her in part of my life ^_^

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Ministry of Sound in Kuala Lumpur

This is the topic for the pass few days with my friends and colleagues. Is going to be so happening just can't wait till tomorrow :)

I've missed the chance to go MOS in Singapore, so "smart" of me going to club on Sunday night duh... Pity my brother have to accompany me around haha